Showcase your creativity in Campion Education’s art competition!
The talented winner will have their artwork features on our Campion cloth bag, used in Campion retail stores across Australia.
- Winner receives a $200 Campion voucher, a fantastic art pack – their design on our Campion cloth bags!
- Runners-up and a popular vote winner will also receive a voucher and art pack prizes.

How to Participate:
- Theme: Bright Futures
- Students should create an original design in black only to be printed in red on the bags
- Artwork to be a maximum of 24cm x 24cm (refer to entry template)
- Teachers, parents or students can submit a photo or scan of their entry artwork, along with their name, school and state to by 1 May, 2025.
Important Information:
Entrants must be primary or secondary school students living in Australia. The winning entry will be used on Campion cloth bags from September 2025 until stock runs out. Artwork can be any media; submission is photo or scan only, which will be used to reproduce on the bag (in one colour red print on unbleached canvas bag). Artwork should be an original work by the student in any medium. Any use of AI must be declared. Shortlisted entries will be featured on Campion social media for a popular vote. Total prize pool: $200 retail voucher, $500 in Campion vouchers + 5 art prize packs. The winner is chosen by Campion staff based on merit, suitability and reflection of theme. Winning artwork, student name, and school will be promoted on Campion social media. More information or queries: